Terms Of Service

User Agreement


1.1: This contract covers Ayzeta and all customers and users registered on the Ayzeta.net website, which perform their services and activities on the Ayzeta.net website.

1.2: Ayzeta, the company that provides the services published on the website with the address Ayzeta.net, as “Ayzeta”, all customers and users who receive service through the website of Ayzeta.net and have registered on the website of Ayzeta.net, as “customers”, as “customers” on the website with the address of Ayzeta.net. The site will also be referred to as the "site".

1.3: The parties are obliged to declare, accept and undertake that they have read and approved the accuracy of the information written in this contract.

1.4: All user and customer registration processes are designed in such a way that registration is possible if technically accepted, by reading the contract online through the site.

1.5: This contract will be deemed to have been read, understood and signed by the parties, since the transactions are carried out by giving the contract approval during the registration on the site.



2.1: This contract will regulate the parts that the customer is allowed to do or not to do in accordance with the information given in the registration process in the transactions, orders, and messages sent by the customer on the site, the fees customer will pay to Ayzeta.net for the services customer will receive in his orders in accordance with his preferences, the responsibilities of the parties and the usage processes. These service and transaction disclosures are as follows.

2.2: Membership and user information are the information entered by the customer during registration to the site. Since this information will be taken as a basis in all transactions to be made, it is assumed that the customer enters this information correctly, completely and correctly.

2.3: Ayzeta cannot be held responsible for any business loss, damage, loss or grievance that the customer may suffer due to any wrong information stated on the site by the customer.

2.4: Domain name service is not a service that can be provided physically, it is a forwarding service that you have the right to use during the period when the domain name service fee is paid.

2.5: The virtual server service is not a service that can be provided physically, it is an internet space hosting service that is entitled to use during the period for which the service fee is paid.

2.6:Web hosting, reseller hosting, e-mail hosting services are not a service that can be provided physically, this is an internet space hosting service that is entitled to use during the period the service fee is paid.

2.7: SSL Certificate service is not a service that can be provided physically, it is a digital (electronic) document signing service that you have the right to use as long as the service fee is paid.

2.8: Theme, web design, site interface type services are not physically provided services, they are computer files consisting of some codes that are entitled to use during the period when the usage fees are paid.

2.9: The license service is not a service that can be provided physically, it is a software rental service for which some files or a software are entitled to use during the period when the usage fee is paid.



3.1: CPU and MySQL usage in Web Hosting and reseller hosting service is within the limit defined as CPU of the customer's plan. All sub-services within the customer's service cannot exceed the main plan CPU limit.

3.2: Each MySQL query to be run in Web Hosting and reseller hosting service cannot be run for more than 15 seconds. Static files such as image files cannot be hosted on the MySQL database.

3.3: Disk space in Web Hosting and reseller hosting services is the space occupied by that account on Ayzeta servers. MySQL tables, backup files and mail accounts of the relevant account are included in this field.

3.4: In Web Hosting and reseller hosting services, CRON (scheduled task) operations cannot be defined for less than a minimum of 15 minutes. Within these services, software that collects external content defined as CRON can be run with Ayzeta's permission and approval.

3.5: Web Hosting and reseller hosting service file storage cannot be used. Customers with these services will have files such as html, php, js, css, and integrated image files in their disk space. It is forbidden to host, store or backup files that are not web page elements in the given disk space. The given disc right must be used for publishing the web page.

3.6: Ayzeta will carry out the services ordered by the customer and paid for without any problems, and the delivery of this service to the customer together with the login information. Ayzeta will be able to take action on the service in line with the customer's demands in this regard.

3.7: Ayzeta will carry out the domain name registration procedures that have been ordered by the customer and paid for without any problems. The customer is the owner of the registered and paid domain name with the registration request accepted with the order. Ayzeta responds to the customer's demands in this regard. will be able to act on the domain name in line with the

3.8: The customer has the right to change the domain owner information, other administrative and technical responsible information, except for the original domain name information, if customer wishes. Ayzeta is not responsible for any damage.

3.9: The customer has the right to keep the domain owner information confidential if he/she wishes.

3.10: The customer has the right to transfer the domain name service to a different domain name provider company.

3.11: The customer has the right to perform all kinds of domain name administrative services that are technically possible and published on the site related to the domain name service.

3.12. If the domain name service is not renewed on time, the domain name service will automatically stop broadcasting from the next day of the renewal date until the date of deletion of the domain name. The domain name can be recovered. In such a case, the responsibility for the penal cost belongs to the customer.

3.13: Order requests for all services must be made by the customer through the site. Apart from this, Ayzeta is not responsible for any damages and grievances that may arise from problems such as misunderstanding, wrong record entry in the orders to be given by any method.

3.14:Ayzeta, T.C. Containing illegal content and broadcasts, T.C. Courts of T.C. Chief Public Prosecutors, T.C. It reserves the right to suspend the services that have been legally notified to Ayzeta by the Police Departments and their units, which are detected to have any fraudulent activities, Bot-net, DDOS, Shell, SPAM and similar attacks, whose payment period has expired or which has not been paid.

3.15: The customer is the owner of the service provided during the period from the delivery of the service ordered on the site until the deadline and has the right to use it.

3.16: Ayzeta cannot be held responsible for the problems and damages that may arise from the interruption of the services it provides free of charge, technical support and administrative problems.

3.17: The responsibility of all kinds of login information and password related to the service provided belongs to the customer. All customers accept this responsibility and receive service. Ayzeta cannot be held responsible for any security problems that may occur.

3.18: The customer undertakes to comply with the declarations and warnings received by Ayzeta throughout the service period.

3.19: The customer accepts and undertakes not to access files, programs or network systems that do not have the right to access by using the software and programs owned within the service, not to cause problems due to such a problem, to accept responsibility for any problems and problems that may occur and to compensate for the damage.

3.20: The customer has to respond to ABUSE complaints and notices sent to him by Ayzeta via the website within 24 hours. If the response is not received within this period, Ayzeta may temporarily stop the service.

3.21: The customer cannot send mass mail using services such as server, web hosting, reseller hosting provided by Ayzeta. Ayzeta does not have to monitor and control this. The customer accepts all responsibilities arising from mass mailing. When it detects mass mailing, Ayzeta has the right to stop the service without giving a backup.

3.22: Ayzeta reserves the right to change or close any site, account, database or other components that do not comply with the service and usage agreement, and to make changes in emergencies according to its own situation.

3.23: In the face of all kinds of DDoS attacks, Mail Bomer, Flood, IP Spoffing and similar types of attacks that may come to the service provided by Ayzeta to the customer, and continuous or sudden resource consumption of the server service, the internet line, main server and devices where the server service is located, or a different customer or As users are affected by this situation, Ayzeta may temporarily or permanently stop the service without notifying the customer.

3.24: The customer cannot sell or distribute the theme or web design service purchased from Ayzeta to any other person or organization.

3.25: The customer can update the domain name information used by the Theme or web design service that customer bought from Ayzeta and is still for sale.

3.26: Ayzeta provides information in its own database regarding the update process specified in Article 3.17. e will take legal action within the scope of Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works regarding the use of the product in violation of copyrights for internet addresses that it cannot verify.



4.1: The customer receives the service from T.C. The customer is deemed to have accepted with this agreement that all the content to be published is legal and harmless. In case of any unlawfulness, the customer is responsible for all content and service use.

4.2: The customer cannot contain or publish Adult, Warez, Crack, IRCD, Cgi, Telnet, Shell files and MP3 content in which Hacking and Hacking topics are published in the service customer receives. If Ayzeta determines that such content is published or hosted, it has the right to immediately stop the server service, completely delete the data, completely cancel the server service without giving a backup to the customer, without the customer's approval and without notice.

4.3: The customer may not violate any copyright or trademark while using the service. This is not limited to the unauthorized copying of videos, music, books, photographs or any other copyrighted work. It is strictly forbidden to publish the products of any trademark owner without the permission of the brand or product owner company or person / organization. In such a dispute, Ayzeta may immediately stop the service and delete all data or request the customer to remove such content.

4.4: The customer cannot send SPAM mail from a server that does not belong to Ayzeta, host and publish the advertised website within the service provided by Ayzeta. cancel it, and charge the customer for the necessary fees and expenses related to the process of clearing the blacklisted IP address.

4.5: The customer is responsible for all the files and systems they contain in the service, for their security vulnerabilities or for their use by unauthorized persons. The customer has to take all kinds of security measures within the service. Even if the customer is aware of similar situations, customer accepts responsibility.

4.6: He/she accepts and undertakes that he/she is responsible for all files, documents and programs he/she contains within the scope of customer service, and for all transactions that he/she will use and benefit from with the website and e-mail services, and that he/she will bear all legal and penal liability that may arise from the illegality of such data, information and statements. Ayzeta does not accept any responsibility for any problems and damages that may arise in this regard.

4.7: All damages and errors, all legal and commercial responsibilities that may arise from the content, name and words related to the ordered service, all related to this issue belong to the customer.

4.8: All customers with active service can request backups of their own accounts on the site at any time, they can make backups themselves whenever they want, and they can get information from Ayzeta on how to get a backup at any time.

4.9: Ayzeta cannot be held responsible for any material or moral damages that may arise from the misuse of customer data, data content, all data and data loss used by e-mail in the service it provides. The responsibility for backing up and storing these data belongs to the customer. will try to regularly back up all the data of customers who use only web hosting and reseller hosting services in order to increase

4.10: There is a file size limit of 4 GB for each hosting account in the backup process Ayzeta has made free of charge in Web Hosting and reseller hosting services. Ayzeta will not back up accounts that take up 4GB of space.

4.11:Ayzeta does not take responsibility for backup in server services. Customer who receives server service can get information from Ayzeta about how to make backup.



5.1: The customer is responsible for submitting technical support requests through the site for the safety of himself and his service. All customers can get technical support by logging in with their user login information on the site and reaching the technical support unit related to their service in writing. should respond.

5.2: Ayzeta receives technical support requests through the site. All customers can get technical support by logging in with their user login information on the site and reaching the technical support unit related to their service in writing.

5.3: Ayzeta provides installation technical support for theme and software services. It does not provide free technical support for personalization requests and transactions for services.

5.4: Ayzeta is not obliged to support server software that it does not produce or provide in server services. The license services provided by Ayzeta are for the customer to use the software that it has licensed for cheaper. Ayzeta cannot be compelled to provide technical support to the software for which it has licensed.

5.5: Ayzeta provides technical support only on the site. It will not provide technical support via telephone, e-mail or instant chat channels. Ayzeta cannot be held responsible for any problems that may arise in this regard.

5.6: The customer should pay attention to the spelling rules of the communication language when sending a technical support request. Thus, the time for the support personnel to understand the subject is shortened and the problem to be resolved or the desired action to be completed will be completed in the safest and shortest time.

5.7: The customer must comply with the general morals and etiquette when submitting a technical support request. The customer cannot use rude, profanity and derogatory expressions when communicating on the site. When such a message is sent, Ayzeta may temporarily or permanently suspend or cancel the service it provides to the customer. .

5.8: The customer should convey an accounting or marketing related problem to the relevant department.

5.9: Ayzeta only provides support and information to the customer who is registered on the site and is the owner of the service. No information sharing and technical support is given to anyone other than the main customer profile, such as the customer's customer, spouse, friend, relative. If technical support is requested by the customer, Article The option specified in 6.1 can be used.

5.10: Ayzeta does not provide support over the phone. All customers can reach Ayzeta personnel 24 hours a day through the site. Telephone communication is used only for accounting and marketing purposes, to inform people about non-important matters.



6.1: The customer can create authorized sub-accounts in his own member area through the site at any time and authorize these sub-accounts to perform and follow the desired transactions, or remove the authorizations or remove the sub-accounts.

6.2: The customer has the right to transfer the service, which does not have any debts and legal follow-up, to a different customer on the site with the approval of Ayzeta, but Ayzeta is not responsible for any inconvenience and damage that may arise from the transfer process.

6.3: The approval of both customers is required for the transfer process. When a customer requests the transfer, the information that the transaction has been approved by the other customer should be communicated on the site.



7.1: The customer is obliged to regularly follow up the payment of the service purchased/rented and pay it to Ayzeta.net. Ayzeta may suspend or cancel a service that has not been paid for on the due date determined by Ayzeta. Any legal and commercial responsibilities that may arise from disruption or cancellation of services whose usage period has not been extended belong to the customer. At the end of the service period, Ayzeta cannot be held responsible for the obligation to warn the customer.

7.2: Ayzeta reserves the right to change the price and features for the new period renewal process of a service that has been rented by the customer for a certain period of time.

7.3: The customer accepts and undertakes that taxes, fees and similar obligations that are in force during the use of the service customer receives or that will come into force during the contract belong to him and that customer will meet them.

7.4: In case of objection to payments made by credit card or similar means from the customer, and withdrawal of the payment from Ayzeta domestic and international accounts, Ayzeta will stop the service. All legal, commercial and technical problems arising from such a situation are the responsibility of the customer.



8.1: The customer always has the right to refuse to receive service from Ayzeta, to cancel the service and to stop its broadcast. .

8.2:Ayzeta has the right to refuse service to a customer at any time. In this context, Ayzeta may prevent a customer account with active service from ordering new services in a way that is impossible.

8.3: There are two types of cancellation requests on the site. The first is to cancel the service immediately when sending a cancellation request. Another option is to cancel the service at the end of the period. The customer undertakes the responsibility in this regard when sending a cancellation request. If customer wants to cancel the cancellation request, customer should contact Ayzeta immediately through the site.

8.4:A new order has been placed and its service is active A domain name service that has been restored can be returned within 3 days by deducting the loss amount to be determined by Ayzeta. At the end of this period, no refund will be made.

8.5: The customer cannot request the refund of the amounts added as credit to his account. Since these amounts are taxed, they can only be used for Ayzeta services.

8.6: The refund amount can be paid back within 20 days by deducting the technical support fee, money order/EFT fees, VAT amount and similar expenses given by Ayzeta to the customer, via the same payment channel made by the customer. The customer cannot request a refund through a different payment channel.

8.7: License, Theme, Server service, web design, refund amount, technical support fee given by Ayzeta to the customer, money order/EFT fees, VAT amount and similar expenses can be deducted and repaid within 20 days via the same payment channel made by the customer. cannot request a refund through the payment channel.

8.8: If technical support is not provided for license services, refunds can be made within 7 days with Ayzeta's approval.

8.9: Since it is not possible to return for services such as theme and web design, there is no right to return. Theme and web design sales are the same as the product promotion advertised on the site. The customer can get detailed information from Ayzeta before the sale.



9.1:Ayzeta reserves the right to make changes in the contract clauses. The customer declares and undertakes that he/she accepts and accepts these changes on the site regularly.



10.1: This contract consists of 10 articles and has been read, understood and signed by the parties (the order is deemed to have been realized when it is approved and sent on the internet via Ayzeta.net).

10.2: All customers and users accept all articles of this agreement and become members of the site and receive service from Ayzeta.

10.3: T.C Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve any disputes that may arise during the implementation of this contract. 

Privacy Policy



1.1: Ayzeta uses specially implemented security systems to prevent information loss, unauthorized use and unauthorized modification of information on the site. Thanks to the credit card collection with SSL Certificate, the credit card information is transmitted securely through the bank where the payment is made, encrypted with the Secure Socket Layer. The credit card number is never recorded.

1.2: Ayzeta aims to protect personal information at the maximum level. For this purpose, no credit card information is requested from any customer. Ayzeta does not know the credit card information of the customer. It doesn't need to learn.

1.3: Ayzeta permanently removes the accounts of users who do not have active service, in order to prevent unnecessary information collection and not to store the information of the people it does not serve.

1.4: Ayzeta receives mobile phone information in order to approve fake profiles and to notify the customer in case of emergency regarding its service.

1.5: Ayzeta does not know the profile passwords created by customer registration and updating on the site. The customer can reset her/his password with the "I forgot my password" option from the login screen.

1.6: The customer can update their profile information at any time, but information such as name, surname, e-mail address and country can be updated with the approval of Ayzeta in order to fight against cybercrimes and not to create more than one fake account.

1.7: Ayzeta records the IP address of the customer who logs into the site in order to ensure the security of transaction and privacy on the site. The IP address is used to provide a better experience by matching the language that the Ayzeta website will display according to the country where the user is located, and is stored for security purposes. It can then remove these records if deems it necessary. It uses cookie technology only to provide a better web experience to its customers.

1.7.1:Cookies currently active on the Ayzeta website and their purposes;

* To provide a better experience by matching the dark mode preference of the user's device or browser with the dark mode preference of the ayzeta website.
* To remember this acceptance preference if the user accepts cookies.
* To improve user experience by collecting technologies of the user device and browser through the Google analytics service.

Additionally; The user's IP address is shared with fraudlab or maxmind fraud detection services for the purpose of detecting abuse.

1.8: In case the customer forgets his e-mail address, password and security question in any way, customer can request the update of the new login information by verifying his profile as specified in Article 1.5.

1.9: If Ayzeta has to confirm the accuracy of the customer records it deems necessary in order to prevent payment fraud and a possible cyber crime, it may request the customer to confirm that his profile is real by sending a driver's license or a similar photo identity document to prove this.

1.10:Ayzeta does not keep track of domain name queries made through the site. It does not see the need to follow them and does not make such an attempt.

1.11:Ayzeta, especially from the Turkish users in the individual customer profile, requested T.C. In addition to contributing to the prevention of possible cyber crimes, the customer must submit his/her name, surname, tax office, account number and identity during the issuance of the INVOICE according to Article 231 of the Tax Procedure Law No. 213. According to the General Communiqué on Tax Identification Number published in the Official Gazette dated 29.08.2006 and numbered 26274, the tax numbers are given by the T.C. It has been converted to an Identity Number, therefore, in the issuance of the invoice, the customer's T.C. Identity Number is also recorded. All individual customers are registered as T.R. Customer must report his Identity Number to Ayzeta.net correctly. For this reason, the wrongly reported T.C. The ID number should be corrected immediately and Ayzeta.net should be notified. Fake and invalid T.C. Ayzeta is not responsible for any problems or responsibilities that may occur negatively regarding customers who provide their ID Number. Ayzeta reserves the right to take legal action against the customer and the user due to any problems, troubles and damages that Ayzeta may incur due to false and invalid information.

1.12:Ayzeta has the right to keep all kinds of information about the customer whose service period has expired, for as long as it deems necessary. This information will be kept for as long as Ayzeta deems necessary in order to support the fight against cyber crimes due to criminal and all kinds of legal problems that the customer has committed or may have committed during the service period.

1.13: The customer is freely responsible for legally remedying the victimization and similar negativities he/she thinks he/she has experienced regarding the services he/she receives from Ayzeta. In the event that it organizes similar smear campaigns on platforms, discloses, disseminates and reads all kinds of technical support correspondence, training topics, and price information that Ayzeta provides specifically for itself, in all kinds of social media, in public areas, on Ayzeta's website, will be deemed to have violated the privacy rules.

1.14: When the customer violates the privacy rules, Ayzeta will terminate the service or services it has provided from now on without the obligation to take a backup, so it will not be possible to reactivate the service or services. is not.

1.15: The customer has full authority over the information registered in Ayzeta. such as the name, surname, mobile phone and address entered when registering with Ayzeta. If he/she requests it together with the information, he/she may request from Ayzeta that his account and all his information be completely deleted. The user can send a request to delete their information via the Submit Ticket - Ayzeta link in case customer can access his account, or via the Pre-Sales Contact Us - Ayzeta page if customer cannot access the user account. Ayzeta will provide the transaction with the approval of the Customer within 48 hours.

1.16:Ayzeta accepts and undertakes that it will not share the information entered by the customer through the site with third parties. However, if requested by the legal authorities, T.R. Police Departments, Chief Public Prosecutor's Offices and T.C. It can be shared with institutions such as courts.