What is a Domain Name?

Domain name is the name and address of a website on the Internet. Without this address, an Internet user can only access the website with their IP address. For example, the domain name of the site you are currently browsing is ayzeta.net. Domain names are a simplified version of the number system called IP addresses, which enable computers (servers/servers) to recognize each other, and expressed in words to keep them in mind.

For example, when the ayzeta.net domain name is typed into the address bar, the browser first converts this domain name to the IP address, then directs the client to the computer with this IP address. Therefore, in order for the website to be visited, it should be taken into account that users cannot know the IP address, and an easier and catchy domain name should be purchased for the site. To obtain a domain name, an internet service provider such as Ayzeta or a web hosting company may be asked to register a domain name for the customer.

Actually; Domain name is a service that you rent, not buy, so you can renew the term of your domain name for a maximum of 10 years. Domain names that are normally registered for at least one year can be registered for up to 10 years. Ayzeta provides you with a control panel where you can manage your domain name and extra features such as creating / managing dns and hiding whois in this panel.

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